This page has been created to ensure that the resident of the Village of Schuylerville will receive any and all updates from the Governor’s office, Department of Health and any other state or Local government agency as  they are released.

The following are links to information that will help us to understand the procedures and precautions we can take to ensure the utmost in health and safety during this epidemic.

Public Health

New York State Department of Health

Contacts of Contacts Guidance DOH

Gov. Cuomos release 3-18-2020

Gov Cuomo release 3-19-2020

DOH_EOGuidanceGatheringSpacesBusiness_031920 (002)

Executive Order No. 202.4

State Liquor Authority Restrictions-in-Response-to-COVID-19

Non-essential Employee Guidance

ESD EO202.6 guidance on essential businesses FINAL 3-19-20

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