Village Officials


Daniel Carpenter

Trustee/Deputy Mayor:

Dan Baker

Village Trustees:

Whitney Colvin
Timothy Le Baron
Michelle Campbell

Village Attorney:
David Klingebiel, Esq.

Email the village mayor and officials

Vision Statement of the Village of Schuylerville

The Village of Schuylerville envisions itself growing while preserving and celebrating its history and maintaining a firm hold on future development. The village will be an active participant in improving the local economy, emphasizing the village’s history and reflecting a modern lifestyle in balance with the environment. The Village of Schuylerville will be a destination location with excellent opportunities for entrepreneurship, culture, education, and tourism.

The Goals of the Village of Schuylerville

  • To preserve Schuylerville’s historic and natural attributes and accentuate these unique features as opportunities for economic stability and growth.
  • To provide for improved infrastructure throughout the village.
  • To revitalize the downtown area and support local business.
  • To attain diverse funding sources to support municipal, business, and residential community projects.
  • To ensure successful community development efforts through careful planning and inter-municipal cooperation.
  • To assure increased communication between all sectors of the community providing greater awareness of government and community-based services and activities.
  • To ensure the quality of life in the Village of Schuylerville by protecting its natural environment and preserving its small-town atmosphere and sense of community (Village of Schuylerville Comprehensive Plan, 2005, p. 12).